If you need to uninstall the Patriot VPN client in Windows, follow the instructions below:

  1. Locate the Patriot VPN icon in your system tray (lower right-hand corner for most Windows applications) and right-click on it:

    Patriot VPN icon in system tray

    Right-click on Patriot VPN icon
  2. Choose 'Exit' to completely stop the softwarea. If you don't 'Exit' the software, it will error upon the un-installation as it is still running.

  3. Go to your 'Settings' from your start menu:

    Settings from Start Menu

  4. Click on 'Apps':

    Click on 'Apps'

  5. Find the 'PATRIOT VPN' program and click on it:

    PATRIOT VPN Program Group

  6. Click on 'Uninstall' and follow the uninstall prompts:

    Click on Uninstall

  7. If you see an error like to following, the client is still running and you will need to exit out of the client in step #2 in order to uninstall properly:

    Possible error message when client is still running

  8. Restart your computer.


Alternative method of uninstall, use the Patriot VPN installer to uninstall the previous version and DON'T reinstall.
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